Durva Grass (Dubba-দুবৰি বন)
Durva Grass, also known as Durva or Dubba, is a sacred grass in Hinduism and is widely used in religious rituals and ceremonies, including pooja (worship) in India. It's considered a holy grass and is often offered to Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and other deities.
In Hindu tradition, Durva Grass is believed to have purifying properties and is used to cleanse and consecrate the mind, body, and spirit. It's also used in various rituals, such as:
- Pooja offerings to deities
- Havans (fire ceremonies)
- Homas (rituals for purification and protection)
- Upanayana (sacred thread ceremony)
The use of Durva Grass in religious ceremonies is an integral part of Hindu culture and is considered a way to connect with the divine.