Rosy Barb (Puthi Mas-পুঠি)
The Rosy Barb, known as "Puthi Mas" or "পুঠি" in some regions, is a popular and colorful freshwater fish species found in various parts of South Asia. Scientifically named Pethia conchonius, this species is known for its vibrant and striking appearance, making it a favorite among aquarium enthusiasts.
The Rosy Barb has a sleek and streamlined body, with males typically displaying more intense colors compared to females. Its body is adorned with beautiful hues of pink, red, and orange, often accented by iridescent scales that shimmer in the light. Additionally, it has distinctive black markings near its fins, adding to its visual appeal.
In their natural habitat, Rosy Barbs are commonly found in slow-moving rivers, streams, and ponds with dense vegetation. They are omnivorous, feeding on a varied diet that includes small invertebrates, algae, and aquatic plants.